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Why Plastic Furniture? Pros and Cons

Plastic Furniture

Plastic Furniture

Plastics is a term that is often referred to any material that is composed of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and chlorine. This material has high molecular weight, meaning, every molecule could have thousands of atoms that are bound together. Synthetic plastics mimic the properties of materials found in nature. Also referred to as polymers, plastics can be produced by converting natural products. If you are considering buying plastic for your home, consider also plastic furniture pros and cons.

Back in the 50s, plastic offered a promising future in the furniture manufacturing industry. During that time, the chief advantage of this material was its functionality. It was because of this reason that plastic was considered a fitting material for future furniture pieces.

By the 1960s, the plastic material was already used in many countries across the globe. Manufacturers were then making different plastic stuff such as dishes, décor, and many others. Since it was cheap, plastic became so popular that almost everyone just had to own a plastic furniture.

Plastic furniture is now used in many households and offices. It offers a wide array of designs that can fit in almost any setting. Since these pieces are made from PVC, they rarely get damaged and they can easily take high amounts of weight and pressure. Plastic furniture is also not affected by any extreme environmental changes such as too much cold or heat. This means that plastic furniture can never be affected by termites, rust, mold, and too much heat.

Other Advantages to Look Forward To

If you have to compare plastic furniture with wood or metal, it is obvious that plastic needs the least amount of maintenance. There is no need to varnish or paint periodically as you would a wooden or metal furniture.

It is also a lot easier to clean and wash your plastic furniture just as they are the easiest to store since you won’t have to worry about corrosion and other such problems. It is also easy to stack plastic chairs, meaning, you can save a lot of space. 

The cost factor is also another thing that you have to consider. Plastic furniture is definitely not as pricey as wooden furniture. This is also the same with metal or glass types since plastic does not cost too much to manufacture.

Plastic furniture is also lightweight so you can easily move the pieces around. This is helpful during occasions such as birthday parties since you can put the plastic chairs and tables anywhere you want.

Plastic can also be recycled and made into different designs, sizes and shapes. This means that there is no need to cut trees just so you can make more plastic furniture.

Plastic Disadvantages

There are many advantages in choosing plastic furniture but there are also disadvantages that you mustn’t ignore. Most plastic furniture do not have the elegance and style that wood or metal furniture can offer.

By economical standards, metal or wood furniture is considered as a symbol of being fashionable or prosperous. A home or office that is filled with such furniture are usually the most affluent ones.

Plastic is also non-biodegradable which is also a way of harming the environment. Though there is no need to cut down trees, the very process of manufacturing plastics creates harmful fumes that are released onto the atmosphere. This is one of the chief causes of air pollution nowadays. These are the plastic furniture pros and cons, now it is up to you to make your choice. Would you want one in your home or would you go for another kind of material?

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