When talking about electricians, people normally think about those that provide residential services. The inside wireman is an electrician who specializes in the connection of electrical systems for commercial customers. They are primarily in charge of tapping an outside power source and then having the power distributed all around the facility. His job often includes the installation of electrical outlets, lighting fixtures and conduits. He may also be asked to install control panels and alarm systems.

 Plans and Initiates Projects

When it comes to the initiation of an electrical project, the inside wireman must begin by studying specs and blueprints. He could also be in charge of ordering materials and supplies as well as equipment. He needs to do this as he also establishes the work areas and installs the equipment and tools for the project.

The inside wireman might also be asked by the electrical contractor to coordinate tool requirements as well as job schedules and progress charts.

An inside wireman, at times, may also be asked to install temporary trailers for construction or control centers. It is necessary to acquire a digging clearance.

Installs Temporary Power While Construction Is Ongoing

An inside wireman may be asked to maintain or repair temporary power systems while the construction project is going on. His duties may also include determining temporary electrical needs through a consultation with different crafts.

Local power companies need to be notified during the installation of temporary power. As soon as they give the go signal, the wireman establishes the temporary electrical power source, panels and lines.

Establishes Grounding System

There are moments when the inside wireman will also study blueprints for grounding systems. This is needful so that the location of grounding conductors are perfectly laid out. After this, the inside wireman needs to dig trenches or coordinates with others who could do the excavation for him. He will then position the ground conductors and mechanically welds and connects them.

After the rods and electroces are established, it is then that the system can be tested whether it is working properly or not. The area is then backfilled with dirt.

Installs Building and Other Commericial Structure Service

Occasionally, the inside wireman will also need to study blueprints  where the substation will feed the power to a structure that is about to be built. Once again, the local power company must be contacted to know the feeder locations, electrical conduits, water mains, and other structures.

As soon as the location of the conductors are set out, an inside wireman will lay out the trenches for conduits. He can either dig the trenches himself or he can coordinate with others who can perform the excavation for him.

Establishes Power Distribution in Electrical Project

It may also be the wireman’s duty to study the right location for the high voltage rooms or electrical closet. There are moments when the transformers, switching gear and breakers need to be placed inside the building and during such moments, it is the inside wireman’s duty to have these moved in.

It could also be the inside wireman’s duty to have the main service panel installed. He also makes sure that all the necessary terminations and HIPOTs high voltage cables. When necessary, a buss duct may be installed for power.

Inside Wireman Wages

Inside wiremen are professional electricians that have been trained to connect residential, commercial, industrial and municipal outer power sources and their mean hourly wage is at $25.44 as of early 2011. The highest paid ones may earn as much as $39.75 per hour.

To earn this much, be prepared to go through formal apprenticehip that could last anywhere from 4-6 years.

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