Electrical Safety and Your Kids (Link Roundup)


Has it ever crossed your mind that your children are constantly exposed to electrical emergencies in your home? Most parents have taken the necessary precautions by hiring an electrician who can seal the sockets and ensure that open wires are addressed right away.

Electrical Safety and Your Kids

What about outside of your home? Do you think that your kids are safe there? Here are some tips on how to keep your kids safe from electrocution –

Steer clear of wires and electrical outlets: Train your kids on how to tell between open and closed outlets. Depending on how old they are, you can already teach them that there are no-go zones in your home.

Teach them also about the voltage sign that is often found on electrical outlets. Make sure to keep electrical wires and cords out of sight; if you can, place them out of your children’s reach. Also, avoid leaving blow dryers or phone chargers while they are plugged into the sockets.

Teach your kids about danger signs: Every kid must learn how to differentiate diagrams and signs with danger signs. Let them become aware of danger areas, high voltage, keep away signs and do not open signs. In time, your kids will be able to save other children or their own siblings from dangers in parks or schools.

Avoid climbing fences or transmission towers in substations: Kids simply love to climb trees and tree houses. The trees can be near power lines, hence, they are exposed to great danger.

Examine the playground for any power lines. Do not take the risk by allowing your kids – especially the young ones – to climb on trees near power lines.

Tell your kids to not throw objects at utility poles or electrical wires: While outdoor activities are great, these can also cause emergencies at times. For instance, it is fun to fly kites but this activity can endanger your kids.

In flying kites, make sure that they do not have wires. Also, fly them only during dry weather conditions. Never fly a kite near power lines. Remember that a stuck kite can act like a wire which is a conductor of electricity.

Prevent Child Injury Now

The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission or CPSC reports show that about 2,400 children, annually, sustain injuries during incidents that are related to electrical receptacles. The injuries include electric shock to first, second and third degree burns. A handful of cases even proved fatal.

Mealtime was also indicated as the most accident-prone time for kids aged 1-4 years. A hundred percent of these children can easily remove 1/16thick protectors. They also  frequently inserted metal objects such as hairpins and keypins into their home’s sockets.

The NEC or National Electrical Code, in response to these statistics, has included a revision for the inclusion of tamper-resistant receptacles in newly-constructed residential units.

NEC ordered – 406.11 tamper-resistant receptacles in homes; in all areas within 210. 52. every 125-volt. 15 and 20-amp receptacles are listed as tamper-resistant receptacles.

Many states and municipalities now adopt the new code editions, hence, the leading manufacturers for electrical wiring devices have come up with the tamper proof and tamper resistant receptacle outlets. There are also a variety of styles and types to opt for, all are patented and UL-listed shutter systems that can protect kids from electrical injuries.

The great news for parents is, these shutters do not impair the normal usage, insertion, removal or function of plugs.

That code change was essential; GFCI protection is now required in certain home areas such as the kitchen, bathroom, outdoors and the garage to help protect against electrocution. Lastly, take the time to talk to an expert electrician. He can give you tips on how to better fortify your home against electrical injuries.

Useful Reference Links

Electrical Safety for Children
AE Kids : Top 10 Electric Safety Rules
Electrical safety in your home
Electricity Safety at Home
Electrical Safety Tips at Home

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