Balance in : Achieving the Elusive Equilibrium (#Link Roundup)
Haven’t you heard recently that most people’s mantra is now focused on achieving balance? Just take a look at the yoga enthusiasts that line up in gyms and the Western homes that have incorporated the Japanese design as their theme! These people do all these things in order to achieve a sense of balance – at the very least. However, balance is something that should always be present in interior design; for without it, or with it applied incorrectly, a home is sure to look disastrous.
Take note that the principles of design are not just seen in interior design but also in art, graphics, and clothing. If you are able to practice balance in these things, then it will be easier for you to apply them inside your home.
The Many Forms of Balance
There are several forms of balance, the first being symmetrical. Symmetrical balance can be visualized if you use a mirror and place it at the very center of a design element. This creates a repeated design on the other side of the mirror, in short, you are creating a mirrored design.
Take the hallway in your home as an example. You can center this part of your home with lamp fixtures and borders which tend to mirror each other. Your guests then get to see an undeniable balance (and in absolutes at that!) on either side of the hallway. This same effect is also best applied in the dining room.
Spaces that require energy are likely to use the asymmetrical balance. This is just the exact opposite of mirrored design where, when you cut the room into two, you will not be able to find any mirrored elements. What you will see is the massiveness of the space with the focal point placed off center.
Take the media room if you want to demonstrate asymmetrical balance right in your home. On one wall are the built-in shelves which store your media equipment including your TV. It is not possible to use the mirrored concept here as some of the seating will be placed at the opposite end of the media (which practically defeats the purpose of the room).
You can, rather, consider balancing the media shelf by painting the wall opposite to it with a dark or heavy color. You can also place a heavy sectional on that portion. If you prefer to have a smaller group of chairs, then you can add a grand piano or any other heavy furniture to balance the room.
Radial symmetry is a graceful use of balance. This is accomplished where there are circular or spiral staircases which wind all around a mosaic or a rug. Don’t you just enjoy looking at a building where the design pops up but, at the same time, allowing your eyes to feast on the curves right outside the windows? This is an effective element of design as it is found in nature like sunflowers, starfish and, more particularly, the seashells.
Pattern must also be considered when realizing balance. Pattern spells logic and this can be the repeated designs whether on the wallpapers, carpet or fabric. Patterns can be a combination of colors and shapes. Through pattern, a certain period or style is also clearly defined. However, you must be careful in using patterns on your design. When used in large scale, make sure that you have ample space for it. Smaller patterns tend to look best in smaller areas.
Balance will always be a vital element of design as without it, styles will not be effective. To create it, you need to be visually skilled. You must also have a good sense of details and rhythm. Take time to plan and experiment, you are sure to get the hang of it through constant practice.